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Do I need a referral from my doctor?

YOU MIGHT NOT EVEN NEED A DOCTORS REFERRAL TO BE SEEN BY OUR PHYSICAL THERAPIST. CALL US FOR MORE DETAILS. If you feel you have a problem that may benefit from the skilled services of a physical therapist, you might be able to refer yourself to physical therapy for treatment. Our expert billing department will work with your insurance carrier to find this out. 


What is Manual Therapy?

So, what exactly is "manual therapy"? Who does it? What is it good for? Why doesn’t everyone do it? We hope to answer these commonly asked questions.

The term Manual therapy is often defined somewhat differently, depending on the medical professional’s scope of practice. In the physical therapy field, manual therapy is a utilized skilled which involves hands-on techniques, including but not limited to manipulation and mobilization. Manual Therapy is often used by physical therapists to both diagnose and treat soft tissue and joints to limit pain, improve joint movement, decrease myofascial limitations, treat swelling or inflammation, help the body heal by providing improved joint range of motion and muscle/soft tissue length.


Therapeutic Exercise

In general Therapeutic exercises are different from what most people think of exercise. Therapeutic exercises are specific exercises meant for correcting specific problems. It is important to be aware that Therapeutic exercises are both individually prescribed and patient specific. With the help of your physical therapist Therapeutic exercises aim at regaining flexibility, strength and endurance related to specific physical problems

Goals of Therapeutic Exercises

The main goal of a therapeutic exercise program is the improvement of symptoms  and free movement during both basic and complex Range of Motion movements within the body.

     - Improve and bring back physical function.

     -Limit loss of overall function.

     -Further improve the quality of a patient’s functional capabilities.

     -To enhance overall health and quality of life.


Types of Therapeutic Exercises

There are different  types of Therapeutic exercises  :

   -Range of motion exercises, which main purpose is to improve motion in both the joints and soft tissue structures.

  - Enhance muscle strength and endurance as resisted, depending on the specific type of exercise.

  -Improve posture. 

  -Restore Balance

 At Physical Therapy Care, LLC- Physical Therapist will determine the type of exercises that you need to regain the level of activity that you were routine for you, prior to your injury. Physical Therapists also help with establishment and the addressing of both your short term and long term goals, helping to outline a treatment plan which is both individualized and patient specific.  


What is Myofascial Release?

The innovator behind Myofascial Release John F. Barnes defines Myofascial Release as:

“Myofascial Release is a safe and very effective hands-on technique that involves applying gentle sustained pressure into the Myofascial connective tissue restrictions to eliminate pain and restore motion.” The use of Myofascial Release allows us to look at each patient as a unique individual. With one-on-one treatment approach Myofascial Release techniques will help improve flexibility, strength, body aligment, posture, and overall health and sense of well-being. Since each Myofascial Release technique is applied directly to the skin, this allows the physical therapist to determine if fascial restrictions are present and how much pressure is needed in order for a release to occur. 

. Myofascial release is found to be helpful for treating the following conditions:


  • Low Back Pain

  • Headaches

  • Neck and upper back pain

  • Spinal Disc injuries

  • Post Surgical Scar tissue

  • Chronic / Complicated Pain

  • Fibromyalgia


Ask our Physical Therapist to find out more information on Myofascial Release and if this treatment could help you!


Joint Mobilization


What is Joint Mobilization?

Joint mobilization is the careful use of skilled graded forces to move a joint in a desired direction. Unlike stretching of a muscle joint mobilization is specific to the capsule of the joint itself. Gliding of the joint is usually used to improve motion and normalize joint function. Joint mobilization also has the added benefit of controlling pain.


Which Joints Benefit From Being Mobilized?

Any joint that is lacking sufficient motion may be mobilized. Joint mobilization on the neck, upper, middle and lower back, and sacroiliac joints, as well as to all of the joints of the extremities such as the shoulder, wrist, hand, hip, knee, foot and ankle.

What Happens when a joint has limited motion?

When a joint’s mobility is limited, the structure and function of the region change. Cartilage nutrition starts to decrease within the joint, and other joints begin to move excessively to compensate for the stiff joint. These adjacent joints begin to deteriorate due to over use. Muscles surrounding a stiff joint lose their ability to contract and relax sufficiently and become tight. With time the whole region is involved in the dysfunction surrounding the stiff joint. Much of the time you feel a sensation of a deep stretch. Some times when the joint is mobilized you will feel a “pop” as the joint capsule is released. This may cause anxiety, however this is usually a sign of relief and success. In


What Benefits Are Derived From Joint Mobilization?

  • Decreased muscle spasms & tension

  • Increased freedom of movement

  • Improved joint mobility

  • Decreased pain


How Is Joint Mobilization Done?

The person is often placed in a position of comfort where they can relax and allow the joint to move freely. The Physical Therapist will use their hands to localize the joint in need of mobilization and apply needed force through his hands in the appropriate direction. As you progress the Physical Therapist may advance to the use of high speed mobilizations.




What Is Kinesiotaping?

Kinesiotaping is a therapeutic taping method that utilizes a latex-free elastic tape. Unlike athletic tape, which is stiff and is used to stabilize muscles or joints, kinesiology tape is stretchy—to serve as a gentle reminder to your body to hold your shoulder in a certain way or to keep a kneecap in line while biking or running.The main functions of kinesiology tape:


  1. To Correct Muscles. Kinesiology tape supports muscles during movement, and research has shown that it can provide a bit more stamina than the muscle alone. This is commonly seen in the knee, Back muscles, and shoulderblades.

  2. To improve circulation. Studies show that kinesiotape increases the flow of both blood and lymph, which can help in the treatment of lymphedema, mastectomy recovery, and swelling, to name a few.

  3. To improve joint movement. Kinesiotape can be used to keep a joint, such as the knee cap, gliding and tracking smoothly while in use.

  4. To help relieve pain. Kinesiotaping has an analgesic effect, The comforting stretch of the myofascial region gives a sensation of a constant caring touch.


Because of its many functions, kinesiology tape can be worn both during and after activity. You will see many amateur and professional athletes using this taping method during their activity. Most commonly seen on .women’s volleyball players. Kinesio tape is used by professional golfers, football players, soccer players, basketball players etc.


How Kinesiotape is used?

Kinesiotape can be worn during competition is applied in the same way as tape used during everyday activities. Kinesiotape can be left on for several days at a time and can even be worn in the water, as it’s water resistant. The length of time tape is to be worn should be determined by a professional. Some people tolerate one day at a time while others may use the tape for 4-5 days at a time.

For some people kinesiotape is very effective, it is only a component of the rehabilitation process; it is not meant to replace a brace or a cast.


Therapeutic Exercise

Therapeutic exercises are different from what most people think of exercise. Therapeutic exercises are specific exercises meant for correcting specific problems. The focus of Therapeutic exercises is on regaining flexibility, strength and endurance related to specific physical problems


What is Therapeutic Exercise?

Therapeutic exercise is the systematic and planned performance of body movements or exercises which aims to improve and restore physical function. Exercise is defined as “activity that is performed or practiced to develop or improve a specific function or skill to develop and maintain physical fitness


Aims of Therapeutic Exercise

  1. The ultimate goal of a therapeutic exercise program is the achievement of an optimal level of symptoms free movement during basic to complex physical activities.

  2. To improve and restore physical function.

  3. To prevent loss of function.

  4. To enhance a patient’s functional capabilities.

  5. To prevent and decrease impairment and disability

  6. To improve overall health status, fitness and sense of well-being


Types of Therapeutic Exercises

Therapeutic exercises are classified according to the aim and purpose of the exercises into many types:

  1. Range of motion exercises which aim to maintain and increase range of motion as traditional ROM exercises (passive, active and active assisted ROM exercises) and techniques of joint mobilization and soft tissue stretching.

  2. Muscle performance exercises to increase muscle strength, power and endurance as resisted exercises and endurance exercises.

  3. Postural exercises to improve posture and correct faulty posture.

  4. Balance and coordination exercises to improve balance and coordination.

  5. Relaxation exercises to induce relaxation.

  6. Area specific exercises as breathing exercises and circulatory exercises.


Physical Therapists will determine the type of Exercises that you need to regain the level of activity that you were accustomed to prior to your injury. Therapists will also prescribe exercises that meet your short term as well as long term goals.


How Neuromuscular Re-education Aids in Orthopaedic PT
by Physical Therapy Care,LLC


Tips for Neuromuscular Re-education.

    • The only way to re-develop “normal” motion with in an injured body part is to perform prescribed motions.

    • Initially perform all motions slowly and methodically. The nervous system needs time to “map” the motions. Poor form can lead to bad movement patterns.

    • Any strength gains with in the first 3-4 weeks of a strength building routine will occur due to an increase in the efficiency of the neuromuscular activity.

    • Use proper form and experience very little to no joint pain when you are exercising.

    • Sharp pain will decrease the neural input into the involved body part.

    • Seek the advice of your Physical Therapist to rehabilitate your injuries properly.


Out-patient Physical Therapist re-educate the nervous system with almost every patient. Neuromuscular re-education techniques help patients regain normal, controlled movement patterns. The nervous system controls most of what we can do, so orthopaedic physical therapy almost always includes neuromuscular re-education as a part of the overall recovery regimen.

Neuromuscular Re-education in Out-patient Physical Therapy

Neuromuscular re-education consists of manual techniques (i.e.PNF-proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation), activities for balance and core control (i.e Bosu exercises and Therapeutic Ball exercises) and other therapeutic exercises that are designed to re-develop normal, controlled movement patterns. The goal of neuromuscular re-education activities in the out-patient orthopaedic setting is the same as it is in any other setting: to re-train a body part to perform some task that the body part was previously able to do.


When is Neuromuscular Re-education Employed?

Neuromuscular re-education techniques may be applied in a range of situations. In our setting, the need to re-establish normal kinesthetic sense and proprioception of the Cervical, Thoracic, Lumbar spine and Appendicular skeleton is critical to eliminate many of the symptoms that a patient presents with during their treatment time. When these neurological characteristics are not functioning properly, a patient cannot maintain proper posture and many of the muscles of the involved area do not function properly.




CLOVIS, NM 88101

PHONE- 575-935-0360

FAX- 575-935-0361



Mon - Thur: 7:00 am - 7: 00 pm

Friday: 7:00 am- 12 noon 

​​Saturday: Closed​

Sunday: Closed






PHONE- 575-226-3375

FAX- 575-226-3258


Hours: Early & Late Appointments Available

Mon - Thur: 8:00 am - 5: 00 pm

Friday: 8:00 am- 12 noon 

​​Saturday: Closed​

Sunday: Closed

Complete Aquatic & Land Physical Therapy
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